This is for all out there, the sisters, the ukhtis, the entis, the muslimah-- if you've familiarized with the habit of putting on a hijab in your daily basis, mashaAllah how great you are!
Now I don't want to go on the lines of,
"don't you feel hot wearing that over your head?"
"It's better to be hot here, than to bear (bare (?), sorry) the flames of hell" ouch. No-ho.
I've worn like the Arab men usually wear, with the cloth over your head? Yeah and it was the Nile River flowing in there! Totally admire the women out there who stand firm with their hijab, for the sake of Allah. Massive respect.
What a waste it would be, with the hijab on, enduring the hot weather, yet still have your share of--well, sin flowing in throughout your day. You wore your hijab, so what could it be, that aint right?

As proud as I am to be able to identify my sisters out there for what they wear, however it is a pity that what they wear does not resemble Islam as much. So maybe some of us don't know what it means veil up, or the real hijab. It is not just the cloth you wrap around your head, you're not a roast-chicken-to-be, (all wrapped up in aluminum foil-ish) you are a muslimah. Be proud of that! *enthusiasm kickin' in*
Now, imagine closing the curtains on stage, no one can see anything going on behind the curtains, right? So that's a little of what a hijab is. It veils, it covers. And I'm not gonna go about the basics of covering your aurah, because at a click you can find that elsewhere, and there is not much to debate for in this issue. But please do, research on it, apply it.
Trust me, a hijab will not deteriorate your beauty not bit, if not make you more beautiful. See what I did there? It doesn't make you LOOK beautiful, it MAKES you beautiful. *wordplay*
So now you've mastered the hijab *well done*, lets go more in depth;
One, is about coloring your hair. Please, know that coloring your hair with anything but henna (is that it?), is not allowed, as it prevents water from truly reach your hair, thus affecting your wudhu', and your Salah.
Second, is about humility. This is NOT a higher level or hijab, it is in fact a must. But with recent events, schoolgirls wrestling each other, bullying, using very vulgar language--you are disrespecting no one but yourself, by putting yourself at such a level. Everyone else looks up to you, respects your boundaries, so why is it that we are the most tempted to lower ourselves? The queen is partly respected well--because she's the queen, and partly because of her actions. And in Islam, our women is of higher than the queens, they are more noble than angels in the heavens, had they have faith in the syahadah.
Another perspective as to why 'cover', is that when you're married *oh happy dayss* your man takes care of you, provides you with nafkah, etc. to what privilege? If you do not cover yourself from other men, you are giving them what you are giving your husband, with only subtle differences. If you are used to men touching you, then..well you get the point. I am not objectifying women, just to be clear. I mean he takes care of you, let it mean something, maybe?
Allah has set for you a castle in the heaven, the world is ready to respect you, and all you have to do is honour yourself, respect yourself, have faith in yourself, that all of what is offered to you, will be yours. Start today, insyaAllah :) As the title goes, a muslimah is the prettiest of pearls, hidden deep at the bottom of the sea, guarded by the thick shells, and only the deserving can take hold.
Wallahu'alam, Allah knows best,
Hafidz Iddin
*ps, from now onwards, my post might be a little rojak english malay. So...apologies in advance yeah :)
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