That's the trick behind the magic, no sleeves, no white gloves, no magic hat. Just sheer determination, and a heart full of faith and confidence. Look at the famous people now ( I don't mean Hollywood actors ), once, they too, like us-- or maybe worse, were trashed. Rejected for the things they are famous for today. Can you imagine? Having your aspirations torn to pieces right in front of you. As if your only chance to get there disappeared, and you're high and dry. Everybody's been there. But what separates THEM from the rest of the people, is their perseverence. They didn't GIVE UP. Not until they get to where they want to be.
When he reaches one successful point in his life, the voices inside him asks
" Well. We're here, this is where you said you wanna be. Planning on giving it a break? "
" No, this is not where I want to be, I want to go further." he would reply.
" What do you get from all of this? You're risking everything! You could stop now and still have everything." says the voices.
" I'm in it because it's my passion, It's driven me all this way, and it will drive me up higher," be his comeback, more spirited than ever.
" Okay fine! So when is it time to stop?"
" The moment I set foot to Jannah, then I would stop. And so will you. None of this matters if I can't do that. Just, that." (smile).
Let the voices boost you up, not drag you down. Because no one can pull you up, if you yourself don't want to get up.
Before thinking you can't do something, do it first. If you want to do something, do it before you start overthinking on the pros and cons, or anything. In the end, you're not gonna do it by theory alone. As Momma would say 'analysis paralysis'. You get the point.
I mean, at one point, you NEED that CRAZY adventure to set your momentum back forth.
This kid's eating sand, *snap* someone took a picture of him, now he's popular. Hm.
Have faith people, YOU.CAN.DO.IT :D
they say aim for the moon, that if you miss, you just might hit a tree (but why?)
"Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he can and should be, and he will become as he can and should be." - goethe
you get the point, right? Good!
Hafidz Iddin
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