Saturday, June 15, 2013

Little in Size, Big on Dreams

The TV cable hasn't been giving me much entertainment, it keeps on cycling the same episodes daily. But the advantage to it, it has this school break marathons, and I got to watch one of my childhood Disney movies-- Finding Nemo. You know, the one about, well, this fish right here

Say HI Nemo! weeurrrrrt ~
look, it's Nemo and his daddy!
*don't judge me. I watch a lot of cartoons*
\\  Movie Reflection \\

I prefer movies like this 'cuz they have a different definition of LOVE. In this case, a fish's love for another? father-son, that's the word. *Fishes can be affectionate too,  just so you know
Marlin swam through the vast ocean trying to  rescue his one and only son. Oh the fatherly love..
Okay lets not state the obvious about the story.

The part that got to me was when Marlin's story went viral, spreading out faster than he could swim. Suddenly the whole world ocean knows his story-- story of a small fish, a clown fish. See how much one small fish can do? His adventure is heard throughout the seas-- his actions changed a little bit of everyone's  life. So if a little fish can do just that much, how  much can WE do? We, Khalifah (leader) of the world.

But really, Marlin (Nemo's dad, just to be clear again) did something, that to me was greater than anything in the movie, was when he changed one person's life, completely.

This wonderful fish--Dory be 'er name. Cheerful, but  forgetful. And  when she met Marlin, it brought out the better in her, she starts remembering things, she did things she never believed she could. But what did Marlin do to bring out that  much in her? He tolerated her presence, at first. Just like that. I couldn't agree more if someone comes up to me and tell me "Braah~  that's life," because it is. We could make a difference, just by acknowledging one's existence. Because the world now is in haste, no one stops for another. If we would just, step out of that stream, and look around, BAM. That's just by ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, imagine what you could do, with LOVE and CARE.
Try it. I dare you.
Care for a stranger, and don't ever ask for anything in return. Be sincere. Don't flirt, it creeps people out, well I creep people out..

" The best way to inspire, is to be sincere."
inspirations change minds;
the mind drives the life.

It ain't about how big you are to this world, in the end it's your deeds, and your heart, that matters.
And this ain't no wildlife documentary! *looks like it though*

"and here we witness the author of this blog, signing off his post. A very  rare scenery.. hope it doesn't bite. Crikey"

Hafidz Iddin


  1. etceli,nemo means nobody in the title should be finding nobody.the story is about merlin who cannot accept the fact that all his eggs are gone.then,he got an imagination that only one egg was saved.wohohoho!

  2. again with the spin. Haha, well it won't stop me from having my own imagination :)
